Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Adventure

This morning my friend Martha and I woke up at 7 am to meet a group to go spelunking. One of our advisors here sent us the link for a program. We weren't quite sure if other students would be there or what exactly we were doing. We were told it was a semiaquatic, 40 Euro excursion. This trip was phenomenal.

Our group consisted of 3 guides, about 10 other people who knew each other (all spanish adventurers), and the two of us. We set off, with the guides in one of their cars. We drove out of dry, desert-like Alicante and to green mountains.

After a quick lunch, we started hiking. Martha and I thought we would hike a short while before entering the cave. Little did we know that we would be trekking up the entire side of a full-blown mountain. One full hour of sweaty complaints and we had reached the entrance.

We slithered into our neoprene suits and snapped on our helmets. AND WE WERE OFF. For the next two and a half hours or so we climbed, swam, jumped, slipped and slid all over the inside of the mountain. It was incredible.

After exploring every corner of the caves, we exited, only to have to trudge back down the mountain.

But don't worry, it kept getting better. We wandered up part of a different mountain to find a beautiful 'ermita'. This little church served us well. We bought bottles of water from a sweet old man sitting outside and used the perfectly stocked bathrooms (a rare find around here).

But we're not done yet! Remember that we rode with the guides. Needless to say, Martha and I were literally aching and ready for bed. The guides were not. We drove up into the mountains and on back roads while they attempted to find a new path on the mountain. In this adventure we found wild fruit they picked for us and old ruins. It was a movie. Martha and I were just laughing and smiling. I could not believe how perfect the entire day had gone. It was nothing I could ever imagine.


  1. Julia! Allie says it all! How blessed you are to be in such an incredible place experiencing things that will affect the rest of your life! Love that you are having such adventures. I would have have enjoyed bouncing around the cave and climbing up and down the mountain with you for sure! 3:30 am here. Off to work and headed for your city this morn. Just had to check and see what your day brought you before i left. Hoping that your week of work is not too much for you after having such fun these last few days! Ha. May God continue to bless and keep you close. Love you!

  2. OMG I have to go to work. OMG I couldn't wait to see if you had posted but a response will come later. OMG I love you.

  3. Julia! This is amazing! Just unbelievable...I keep looking at the pictures and reading it over and over again. Feel kind of speechless...Your adventure was certainly memorable...Just amazing! Actually, just ditto Allie's comments! Thanks for such an awesome experience... Love you...

  4. Oh Julia, You make your Family soooo proud! I feel honored to know them and to share in their happiness for you. Please accept a hug from me.

  5. Love this post and love that you are so brave! We're there any bats in them there caves?!?!

    Just getting in to work (boo) and thinking of you and the work you must be starting in your classes. I wish I was there to study spanish with you in the tub!!!

  6. Finally time to digest your post and exhale. Thought that last week when I visited with you on Skype you had grown incredibly in 10 short days. Now, I am sure this experience has caused you to grow up even more, in many, many ways. Trudging off with strangers and donning special suits reminded me of white water rafting in Colorado when you were just barely a teen! My mind is racing, picturing you on every leg of your caving journey. You describe it all in terms that make me feel a part of it. Thank you!
    Now tell me, what was the fruit you ate? And how long did this whole adventure take you? How far a drive was it from your new home? And when are you going back?!?!
    I love you! And am so excited for you!
    As always, waiting to hear from you again!

  7. Every time I read this post (which is typically once daily, on my way into work on the bus) it gets wilder and wilder. Today it is making me think of the time we went horseback riding in Arizona or Colorado or somewhere and had a real ranch hand cowboy as our guide and he sang songs and mom tried to sing along. What adventures! (I'm also imagining you Speaking spanish in the cave. Ay Ay Ay!)

    Can't wait to hear what you've been up to this week. Give us another post soon or there may be a riot.

  8. Ya Ya. Time for a new post Ju! What new adventure are you getting ready to undertake now? Keep enjoying and soaking it all in! You'll be so bored when you have to come back home. You are planning to come back right? And Em, I really dont want your sister to have to come all the way to the west coast to twist on your arm! Better plan on going! Love you all!

  9. OK New post, please! Waiting and waiting. Just a little something from Alicante! Don't just save it up for your weekend adventure to Guadelest! I know that is going to be spectacular, but we are all waiting here for any little tidbit of news! Love you, Julia!

  10. Hey Julia...Just wondering how you are and what you've been doing. Guess you're busy with classes this week. Hope all is going well with you. I looked up Guadelest since your mom mentioned you were planning to go there this weekend...again, just beautirul and amazing! Anxiously await your next post...have fun, be careful. Love you.
