Sunday, September 16, 2012


HELLO~ reporting from my bed today. Yesterday was a very long day, and today I have to do homework :(
Guadalest- cool water right!?!?
 Me, bigger than a bell tower.
 My friend Martha climbing to get in the best waterfall!
literally me in the waterfall. We did it first and then all the cool kids starting following (we are the bravest).

We also went to a beach yesterday that was beautiful, but really windy, uncomfortably windy.
Last night, Angel, my brother, came out with my friends! He took us to all the cool places and made us stay out really late, like locals do.
So in two days I've climbed yet another mountain, swam in iced falls, and become a local. SOUNDS GOOD>MISS YOU ALL!


  1. Hi, Baby! Was waiting for your report! I can not think of anything that would make this experience any better for you. Your outing was quite impressive and can't wait to talk to you about the village. assuming you have some more pictures to share later. No point in passing up a once in a lifetime opportunity like swimming in a waterfall in Spain. I am proud of you.
    The fact that Angel went out with you Americans is an important indicator that your are getting along superbly well and taking advantage of the new family and culture. I prayed for a family that would embrace you and you them and look where you are! Can you send some pictures of the fam? When I saw Carmen, it was just barely a glimpse of her dark hair and dark skin... not really a clear look at her. (I had Omar's mother in the office Friday and had to tell her, "No hablo Espanol". Her appearance reminded me of Carmen and of you.)
    Glad to hear you are taking it easy today. I know you would rather be out exploring some new facet of the Spanish culture, but homework is a good thing, even in Alicante.
    All my love to you, and respect for all that makes you Julia Ann Means! Miss you!

  2. I forgot to mention that you look fantastic!

  3. Julia! So good to see you...looks like another awesome adventure. Love the picture of you in the waterfall. So nice to hear that your "brother" went out with you and your friends. Sounds like you had another full weekend of fun and adventure. Good luck in your classes, although I'm confident that you'll do fine. Hope you have a good week. Have careful...Love you...
