Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Right now life here is pretty basic. I wake up at 7:10, start the coffee, and get on the 8:15 bus. But this normalcy has come with a new appreciation for the food I'm eating.
    First of all, I don't stop eating. Carmen wants me to eat at every waking hour, and I pretty much do. 
  On Monday and Wednesday, I spend all day on campus. Carmen packs a lunch for me the night before. I usually get two sandwiches, a piece of fruit, a snack cake, and a juice box. I leave the house at 8 am and am home by 5 pm, that means I get to eat or drink something every 1.8 hours; PERFECT FOR ME. Today my sandwiches were on croissants (SCORE)!! One of them was chorizo, some other lunch meat, and cheese. The other was peanut butter, a recent purchase especially for me. 
   Yesterday for lunch I went to my friend Martha's house. We had delicious paella and salad. Then as Martha and I were leaving to sail, they brought out a plate of fish. I mean fish on a bone (do fish have bones!??!)  that someone must have caught that morning. I ran out of there before they made me eat it, but still it was cool. 
    The other night for dinner, I had white rice, chorizo, and fried eggs. DELICIOUS. 
Tonight I  had fried eggs, french fries, and empanadas. This is seriously the best I've ever been fed before (no offense, mom). 
    There is a gelato place in town that makes everything from scratch; we saw them picking raisins off of a vine. We go there everyday (not a joke) and get the smallest size, only .50 euro! 
So, those of you making the journey, IT IS WORTH IT. <333 


  1. Hello Julia,
    Sounds as if you are becomming a regular citizen. It's great to hear that you are comfortable and enjoying yourself, even after the grind of school has begun. What? No reports of exciting day trips or new budding romances? Just food updates? At any rate it's always good to hear any word from you! I guess that you'll be an old salt sailor by the time you come home! You'll be able to make good use of that big lake in chicago! Enjoy. Stay safe and happy. Love you! So proud of you!

  2. Hey, hey, hey, muchacha! The best you have ever been fed! Ha! No more Banana Chocolate Chip Bread for you until you reconsider! And definitely no more pasta salad! HHHAAAA
    Strange that food was the topic today as I have just been thinking about the menu you shared with me the other day when we Skyped. Simple, basic. Am so proud of you that you are embracing the food and culture. I love that you eat your meals with your family and am sure you are lending a hand when it comes to preparation and clean up! Maybe you are even learning to make empanadas?
    I want to try the gelato, for sure. But are you sure they were picking raisins off the vine? Maybe grapes that were dried up and turning to raisins? You are so funny and I love every bit of you!
    So glad to see a new post. I check it every chance I get and any news from you is the better than anything the newscasters in St. Lou have to say.
    One week from tonight, I will be flapping my wings enroute to YOU! Can't wait. Love you and miss you. Keep eating and sleeping and studying and being a good friend and a good learner! See you soon!

  3. ju, this just might be my favorite post so know how i love to eat! (i also love mom's response about pasta salad and banana bread.) if you have any time, you should get your hands on a copy of ernest hemingway's garden of eden. it is one of my favorites and the whole thing is set in the mediterranean, part of it is set in spain. it's all about eating and drinking and sunbathing and swimming, and dysfunctional weird relationships. i coincidentally just reread it this summer and the description of food in it is one of my favorite parts. (i will definitely be bringing some hemingway to read next week!)

    i love to think of carmen packing you lunch. does angel eat two sandwiches too? cant wait to see you in just sevenish some gelato for me, i am bringing my savings (which admittedly, isnt much!)
