Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I'm falling asleep as I type this, but I've had a really great day. I want you all to know about it NOW.
School was whatever, but my afternoon/evening rocked.
Sailing was so fun today. I got to go on the catamaran with kelsey, martha, one other girl, and nestor, our teacher. I know I have previously referred to him as Esteban, but there was confusion. His name is nestor and i'm IN LOVE with him. anyway i got to steer the boat and then we were playing around (as always). He was like you can jump in and hold on to the rope and then the boat will pull you. SO OF COURSE I DID IT. but the boat didn't really move, so i had to get back on. Next we were trying to catch 'medusas' (jellyfish, but they don't sting) so we could throw them at the other boats, a life long dream of ours. and nestor said that we could sit on the front part of the boat so we could reach further in the water. SO OF COURSE I DID IT. i caught so many 'medusas' and we totally beat the other boat. also, i only fell in once.
after sailing i went to meet my 'intercambio'. i was extremely nervous to meet him just because it is such a forced situation. my two friends waited with me joking about which weird old man it could be, when a perfectly nice young guy showed up (whatta surprise!?!). he took me to a new part of town and we drank wine and ate tapas. alberto is 23 and has finished his studies. he now works as a tax advisor in alicante, he lives with is parents (customary in spain), and loves to travel. he is going to teach me to drive a stick shift and if i pass that test, i get to try driving his motorbike. he is soo nice and really patient with my language. i already feel comfortable around him and like he has a lot to teach me.

when i got home, i took a shower and then ate my dinner with angel in front of the soccer game. we have just parted ways because we both must be up early for school. but we had a really relaxed time talking about sports, studies, and nonsense. he has informed me of some really neat looking places near alicante to visit (hint hint mom, em, allie). i'm looking further into them and will send some real information.
the other night i thought i might be getting a little homesick, but tonight there is no such thing. i'm still thrilled to be here and excited for the new days.
i'm so glad to hear from each of you and can't wait to show you every picture.
everyone else- love you. miss you. HASTA LUEGO.


  1. Hola, muchacha!
    Can hear the excitement in your words! Am so glad you are enjoying your life there, and tolerating school! (Some things never change!) What a great day. Filled with sailing, and new friends and prospects of driving a stick shift! That would not excite me, but am glad to know you are looking forward to it! Hope you intercambio gives you lots of practice before he turns over his motorbike!
    You sound empowered, Julia. Absolutely strong and determined to make the most out of everything, from catching jellyfish, to learning new skills, to making close friends in your new world. I am so proud of you and very happy to know you are living in each and every moment!
    Keep up your positive attitude and help everyone around you to do the same.
    Glad you found out the correct name of your sailing coach... calling the man you are in love with the wrong name never benefits you! At least that is what I have heard.
    It all sounds fun and exciting. Keep the news coming. I love you so much!
    Adios, muchacha.

  2. Gosh Ju. I am so glad to hear you have been able to fulfill the lifelong dream of catching so many medusas and throwing them at other boats! I have always wanted to be able to do that myself! So many "of course i did its!" Please don't do everything recomended to you. It sounds as if your time in spain keeps getting better and better. I'm so glad that you are so very comfortable and having such great experiences. It's great to hear that you have the wonderful friends, and an intercambio? that is perfect for you. I will assume that is a tutor of sorts? Ya i could never picture you with an esteban so its a good thing he decided to change his name! You know that you almost were an expert at the stick shift on the back roads of freeburg. But let me guess, you have to drive from the opposite side and shift with the other hand? We are also thrilled that you are in such a beautiful, fascinating,safe enviroment. Enjoy every minute of your time. My passport is in the process and i have temporarily blocked some time toward the end of nov. I figured i'd let the other females test the water and play off of their lead.
    love you bunches
    keep safe n happy

  3. Oh Julia!...I as so happy for you...I can just "see" you as you tell about your day's activities. I can see you on that boat doing all those things. Glad you found out Nestor's correct name, although I kind of liked Estaban (I think there was a ball player named Estaban Yan). You be careful if you get on that motorbike alone! I always thought that driving a stick shift was fun. Excited to hear that your dad may be traveling to see you. It was so good to hear about your day. Have fun...be careful...Love you...

  4. intercambio is a young spanish person that is working on their english. then we 'exchange' language and conversation! DUHHH

  5. Dude now you need to met a fisherman/woman and all of my suenos for your time in Spain will have already come true!

    I'm on the bus on my way into yet another day of work and am thoroughly enjoying this particular driver, who has made it his duty to shout the names of all the "tourist attractions" and "general points of interest" at every stop (noe valley? Duboce and church?) over the loudspeaker. Nevermind that it's 10 am on a Thursday and we're headed downtown....most of us to work!

    I hope when we come to visit you can show us how to catch medusas! That sounds a little scurry if you ask me. Remember the days when allie used to be afraid to swim at lake of the ozarks because of the sunfish? And we used to make gorditas for dinner? And go mini golfing at pirate's cove and you threw the tantrum to end all tantrums because you hadn't brought any tank tops with you? (there's a good chance you don't actually remember this because you were so little!) it is so wild that baby julia is halfway around the world catching baby jellyfish and driving a stick shift. You go girl!

    I'm so glad that you are maintaining this blog to keep us all up to speed. I'm usually in front of a computer for so many hours at work that I don't use the Internet all that much anymore, not even to mention that it doesn't work in my bedroom at my place. But I am always looking forward to reading this blog and telling my friends and coworkers about what sorts of adventures you're having in Spain. People go nuts! Can't wait to share these stories with them and hear many others, from you in only a few weeks. Hopefully by then you can take me for a ride on that scooter!!!

  6. Hey Juls!

    Just getting caught up on your journey, having just gotten home from the Honeymoon! We were in Brown County, IN where the internet does not exist. We missed you at the wedding, but we are so proud of you in Spain!

    I can't believe all of the awesome experiences you are having. Be careful with those jellyfish, that sounds dangerous.

    If you ever have any down time, we should skype and catch up. !Vamos a viajar a espana el marzo que viene! We would love advice!

    Miss you and have fun!
