Friday, September 7, 2012


I'm so happy that none of you are robots for a couple reasons:
1. you can post on my blog.
2. i don't have a family of robots.
Really though, I love hearing from each of you! Thank you so much for keeping in touch. I love that you get to kind of experience everything with me.

Yesterday I went sailing and got to swim out in the Mediterranean Sea. It was absolutely incredible. We  were taught (in Spanish) the parts of the boat and the basics. Then we were in charge of putting sails up and setting out; a group of six of us and one teacher sailor boy. After we got somewhat comfortable we were allowed to steer the boat! I was significantly worse at steering than everyone else, and almost flipped us (!!!!). But the teacher was super nice and kept us safe. After my near accidents he suggested we take a swim, so we got to jump out and float around. Then we sailed around some more and finished up. I get to sail three days a week for the next three weeks. Let's hope I get a tad bit better and get to know Esteban!! ;)
This is the beach I was at today; Playa de San Juan! It is beautiful and feels like a resort. The waves are big enough to have fun in. No one wears tops here and everyone is tan. Today, we kept our tops on because we were there with our whole group, but I'm going back.
Tonight I'm going out with some friends and tomorrow maybe going for a hike.
Love and miss you all!
Thanks again for posting!


  1. What a great picture of the beach, honey. Hope your were a better sailor today than yesterday! I am sure your skills will improve and you will be impressing Esteban before you know it!
    Tell me you aren't thinking about going topless at the beach? I bet I know the answer! When I encourage you to "live in the moment," I mean "live in the moment with your clothes on!"
    Glad you have plans for the weekend. A hike makes me think of our hike before you left. Hope it works out and you get to do all the fun things you can possibly squeeze into your days.
    Please give Carmen a hug for me. Last night when she kissed you goodnight she endeared herself to me! What a special conversation we had.
    Thank you for all the information. Yea for the weekend. Love you bunches and will be waiting anxiously for the next communication from you. Enjoy every minute, with your top on! Bless you!

  2. Julia! Topless at the beach? You need to fly back to the states! I'm purchasing a flight for you now. Sounds as if you are settling in nicely. Enjoy your weekend. Be safe and listen to your mommy! You know she knows best! Esteban? What a nice name! I'm sure he is a good boy who would never take advantage of a gullibale helpless gringo. Have fun and be true to yourself and your senses. The pics continue to look amazing! Keep sending. Love You.

  3. Whoa, baby...can't believe you've been floating in the Mediterranean! Wouldn't know the first thing about sailing...maybe Estaban will take you for private lessons after the class is finished. Have careful...take care of yourself. Love you...
