Sunday, September 2, 2012


 I made it to La Plaza de Los Luceros, where my new mom and dad were waiting for me!
My street! Just on left is the door into the place.
 After unpacking and some pork for lunch, I went to wander the city with some friends.
 Ten minute walk from my new apartment!
 Not only water and city, but mountains...does it get better?!?!

This morning I was incredibly nervioso to meet my new family. We rode a bus from Madrid and the landscape was absolutely beautiful; rolling hills lined with olive trees and mountains as a backdrop. As we approached Alicante, I was seriously sweating: PANIC. My new friends, who are literally awesome, helped me relax.
Mom and Dad were waiting for me and walked me the two short blocks from the plaza to our casa. As promised, there is a brother. But I haven't figured him out too much. I can't tell if he is not happy about me being here or just awkward. I think numero dos, but with time I think we should be able to communicate and become better friends. He is well-manicured and fairly handsome, but for the sake of the family I will hunt out in the wild.
Anyway, both parents are super nice and patient about my lack of spanish. I feel really at home and relaxed here. Of course, some things are weird because I'm not only in someone else's home, but they also have a different culture. As of now, I am confident that this is a good family for me. It is calm, but lovely. Mom hugs me, pats me and squeezes me hands whenever we actually communicate effectively (rarely right now) and has already reassured me that by octubre I will be better and by diciembre, perfecto.
The actual apartment is comfortable and right downtown. I have my own room with a bed, a giant wardrobe, shelves and a perfect desk. Maybe the best part is the little deck off my room that overlooks the courtyard, with pool and playground. I can't wait to sit out there and read.

I'm surprisingly doing extremely well. I expect some homesickness to set in this week since the past week has been vacation and now I have to get back to some sort of reality. I already could talk for days about my experiences and it hasn't even been a week so GET READY FOR DECEMBER.

Tomorrow is orientation on campus! I take my language placement test and then get my official class schedule. I think I have a walking tour of Alicante tomorrow night and then the rest of the week is a hodgepodge of going to San Juan beach, some classes, and sailing. The official university starts next week, so I think this is just for us to get acquainted.
I'll be sure to put up some pics of my room and let you know how tomorrow goes soon. I love and miss you all sooo much. Please keep posting, or e-mail me. I really love to hear from you; as Allie said, reading your posts literally fills me up with joy and makes me smile. <333


  1. Dear Julia, Alicante citizen! Your day must have been an emotional roller coaster that you certainly managed to manuveur! Congrats on yet another accomplishment.
    By now you are sleeping and I hope having sweet dreams in your new accommodations. The pictures and descriptions you have shared make me feel more comfortable about the miles that separate us. Thank you for taking the time to share. I appreciate it so much.
    Good luck tomorrow with your placement test and make sure that you enjoy the outings that are planned. You have certainly landed in a beautiful part of the world and I have a feeling it is only the beginning of the things you will see in the next few months.
    Can't wait to see pictures of Carmen and her/your family, your room and all that you can send our way.
    I love you so. Have fun, sweetie!

  2. Wow Julia! Such an unbelieveble experience for those of us landlocked back here in the midwest. So glad to hear that your initial feeling is one of comfort,calm, and and ease in your new surroundings. It makes it much easier knowing that you are in the hands of a loving, understanding family. I'm sure you will adapt to the language barrier and that your skills will improve daily.
    The pics you send are so beautiful! Keep sending. Have a great time exploring but please limit your hunting to wounding only! Dont you be killing any of that innocent prey! I look forward to getting home and seeing your new posts daily. Continue to keep us informed. Enjoy your stay in Alicante. It looks gorgeous there.

    Love you

  3. ugh, thanks for hooking me up. (i was getting pissy because i thought you hadnt updated since your first day post. your blogspot is the single website i have bookmarked on my phone and i guess it hasn't been able to keep up with you. just another reason to love technology!)

    with that said, i got to read like, all your posts at once and am SO JEALOUS of you. your travels look wonderful--beautiful and sunny--and make me think of my fall break in italy. remember when you were abroad with mrs. pickett a few years ago? and now you are there on your own, with new friends, and with a working (and growing!) knowledge of another language and culture and city. hermana would be so proud!

    it is great to hear that you have some amigos to run with already! are you dazzling them with your midwestern know how?! i wonder where they are all from--study abroad students from the us? i hope that you will also get to meet some young local people. i feel like i didnt ask you enough questions before you left, about what your university will be like. will you study alongside spanish muchachos?!
    (maybe you should take it upon yourself to find the fishing boats. i have been reading some hemingway lately and i think the handsome young locals, especially the rough and tumble kind that might be fit for a fall romance with a gringa, can be found there. i hear they all have motorcycles and paint watercolors and like to dance.) so exciting that some of these people who have just entered your life, or perhaps are not even on your radar yet, may be in it for a long time to come.

    your host family sounds wonderful. i cant wait for the day that your mama americana and your mama espana will get to meet. i have a feeling it will be like a family reunion! also, i hope that brother warms up to you eventually. have they hosted a student before or is this new for their household? it seems lucky that there is someone close to your age in your household...maybe he will eventually be an ally. be as nice to him as you would be to your own sisters (haha).

    now that i know to check your blog on devices other than my telephone, i have a feeling there will be another post soon. big days ahead of you as you take your language test, begin orientation, start sailing (!!!), and settle in. i cant wait to keep up with your adventure, pequeña tostadora valiente!

    all my love,

