Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4

'Do one thing everyday that scares you.'

This is my life.
At home, and even in Chicago, I often found this quote a challenge. There weren't enough opportunities, everything was comfortable, or nothing was new. Here every interaction, every meal, every decision is intimidating.
I have always been taught the importance of humility and vulnerability, but not until now am I truly beginning to understand how little I know. I need verification for the meaning of nearly every other word. I have eaten salmon, tuna, and what I think was liver. I navigate a city with twisted streets named things like 'avenida de la estación'. I am forced to put myself on the line; driven to make a fool of myself. Barely anything is easy here and little is comfortable or stable.
The beauty and the opportunities that are around literally every corner are worth every ounce of apprehension.
I have met incredible people and seen stunning views, and all in the first week of being abroad. Within the three days in Alicante, I have already improved my understanding of my family's language, appetite, and mannerisms. If this is what I am capable of seeing, doing, and feeling in one week, I'm so enlivened by the thought of what lies ahead.

Today, Grandpa's 97th birthday, I climbed a mountain to the view in this photo. Afterwards, having a drink with friends, in the cheapest bar in town, I toasted to grandpa. Although they know very little about my family, and certainly nothing about grandpa's influence, they all were thrilled to participate in the moment. I told them how important he is to my family, that a large reason why I am here today is because of him, and that he would be proud of our thrifty drinking!
Although grandpa can't read this now, I know that he is with me during this journey, giving me the courage to not know things and the strength to be away from all of you.


  1. You look beautiful, Julia. An outstanding view behind an absolutely special daughter. Your words remind me of how grown up you are and how you are growing up! You give me reason to pause and reason to hope. You conjure in me feelings of missing you and yet happiness that you are where you are, living each moment.
    Thank you for remembering Grandpa today, on his special day. He and the others are watching over you and are as proud as I am of your determination, courage, and outlook! To toast to him was certainly a way to honor his memory! He is laughing that you are eating tuna,salmon, etc. and that you have moved on from tomatoes and triangle toast. Grandma and Grandpa loved you so!
    Can't wait to learn about your family. It sounds like you are getting to know them and their home. Have you cooked with Carmen yet or done the dishes for her? Wish there was not this tremendous time difference. I ran home after craft night at school to check your blog, but it is already so late over there! I am sure you are snoozing. Regardless, know you are always on my mind and that I love you. How about a mailing address in case I want to send you an envelope, please. Enjoy these last few days of vacation before school starts... then it will be homework and schedules and fun stuff like that! No worries. You are a hard worker. You look wonderful and I miss you. Love, Mom

  2. Oh my gosh, Julia...still can't believe where you are! Amazing photo of you with the background of the city and ocean...or is sea the correct term? Anyway, it's all amazing to me! So cool that you and friends toasted Grandpa on his birthday. I'm sure he's thrilled that you are having this incredible experience. I am confident that your classes will go well...it's only natural to be a little anxious. Just remember the good Lord will help you with whatever you need...just ask Him. Take care of yourself. Love you.

  3. Just reread the above...I can't believe I am in contact with you through a blog! The hardest part for me is confirming that I'm not a robot. But your mom told me she had a few problems with it at first. Anyway, when I read it again, I knew/felt that Grandma came through also...Love you.

  4. Dear Julia,

    "Well said"!!! You write your heart, a rare gift given to few.

    No doubt your Grandpa's buttons are popping with pride.

    Your smile shows "No Fear".

  5. Do you guys know the song "I'm not a robot" by marina and the diamonds? I suggest that you listen to it because I always sing it when I have to verify my humanity.

    I'm on the bus on the way home from work after a loooong day. I reread this post every couple of hours and it gets better everytime. So proud of you juju! Miss you so much, but don't worry about you as I know you are well suited for your adventure. Can't wait for the next post/word from you!!!

  6. Cmon guys. you know we're all robots! You go girlie! Grandpa knows the strength and sense of adventure that you have. Where do you think you got it? Enjoy the rest of your time before the work begins. Know that you will excel as you always have! Hope that your family brings to you as much as i know you bring to them! So proud and happy for you to be able to be in the space you are. You make the country look beautiful just by being in the pictures! Love you sooooo much. Take care and stick to the cheapy bars!

  7. Hey sweetie....I saw your mom this afternoon following her skype visit with you. She was so excited at having been able to see you and talk with you face to face!!
    She told me about your room and
    when Carmen came in to tell you goodnight and gave you kisses. And she told me about your sailing class experience...I just kept saying, "oh my gosh!" Thinking of you... love you.
