Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I know it's Wednesday and I'm just blogging about my weekend... don't be mad. 
Saturday my group from school organized a hiking trip not far from the city. Obviously, I went. We boarded up the bus at 9:00 am and the windows were fogged by 9:10 ;) .                                                     >> This is a home we saw in the mountains. I want to live there. LIKE REALLY< IM CHECKING OUT THE REALTY>  

Anyway, the hike was absolutely beautiful and impossible. When I hike, I take my time; walking, looking, ENJOYING. It seems that some people took this experience as a marathon or a nascar race. Anyway, there were several of us that wanted (NEEDED) to slow down. We hiked up for about 1.5 hr. and then camped out to eat our packed lunches. I chowed down on my peanut butter sandwich and everyone else's leftovers. Coming down was a blast. Now people wanted to run and I could keep up. We practically just threw our bodies down the mountain. 

Then we went to some caves that everyone was impressed with, but they were just like Meramec Caverns, so I was over it real quick and started imagining the stalactites as bacon. People caught on and we really let our imaginations run with it.  

<Friends on the mountain. ME* ERIC* MARTHA* CAitlin (Martha's friend from high school) 

Sunday night I caught both of these rascals with nothing to do but talk to me on the computer. WHATTA DREAM> ?!?!!! So much fun, can't wait to be together again ;)) 
All is well. Today is a general strike, maybe you've heard about it. I haven't left my apartment yet so I don't know what kind of crazy activity is going on in the streets, but I'm headed out real soon. Don't worry, I'm sure it's peaceful, everything in Spain is peaceful (my teacher told me so). 
I'm getting ready for dad's visit, well I mean not really doing anything to prepare, but getting excited for him and maybe some beef jerky (HINT HINT (NOT SPICY)) One month left. I know it will go so fast. I'm talking more with the family, still eating everything in the house and loving it. My grades are good (no worries folks). 


  1. Not much time, Julia, to post a comment. Hurrying to school, but had to check to see if you were in communication and sure enough, you were. All I can think of right now is, "Thank you, God." I love and miss you.

  2. JuJu: Your experiences have far surpassed any expectations that I had for you as you left the dirveway on August 26. I understand, from Allison, that you shared some tears on the 28th when she deposited you at the airport in ChiTown. She and I had the opportunity to talk when we traveled back from our visit with you, about how in the world you must have felt on that flight to Spain. (Emily, we also talked about you, when you braved the pond and ventured on your semester abroad.) What brave girls I have been blessed with. I think about all of you. (Julia, this has turned into a note to you and your sisters.) How you have grown. How many times I have felt pride in your accomplishments...plays I have watched you in, grades you have brought home, friends you have made and kept... kindnesses and sacrafices you have made to ensure the world is a better place because you are in it. The challenges and struggles you have faced. ...I read your words, stare at the pictures, think about the journey and feel like I will burst. Special people, my special daughters.
    P.S. Is there an extra room in that mountain home you are considering? I won't need much space. Love you.

  3. Hey Julia...So good to see you in your above pictures. I cannot even fathom climbing that mountain, but it sounds like you guys enjoyed the outing. The picture of that real estate property reminded of that HGTV international show...I attempted to write this yesterday, but I was crying too much from reading the above post from your today I've just ignored it.
    She does have a way with words, maybe that's where you girls get it from. At any rate, you and your sisters are in my thoughts all the time. Hope you are all well. Have fun...stay safe. Love and miss you...


  4. Julia, I think my favorite picture of you is the one with you and your three friends on the mountain trail! I don't know why, but it just is the epitome of all you are! That smile, and tilt of your head. It looks like the joy travels deeply through you and emerges in that look! I love you.
