Thursday, November 29, 2012


Sunday morning Carmen and Angel drove me to the airport and anxiously awaited his on-time arrival. We had lunch with them and then headed for the hotel. 
Since I had class this week, and it happened to be my busiest week yet, dad had to fend for himself most of the time.
Monday he climbed the castle and wandered around Alicante.

Tuesday I skipped class (hehe) and we went to the city of Murcia! It's a short trip, about an hour bus ride full of beautiful mountains. We went to a small museum about holy week, ate lunch in the plaza, and wandered around all day. 

I think dad just explored Alicante on Wednesday. For dinner we had tapas (with Martha, of course)! 
And this morning I sent him on his way back to the states. A short, but packed trip. So glad he could make it and fill me up with family time to hold me over until I get home ;). 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

end of november from spain....!

hello all! and welcome to a cross-cultural thanksgiving experience. 
i had a normal day of class and then a pretty normal afternoon. martha and i went to a friend's apartment at about 6. she was hosting a thanksgiving dinner for pretty much anyone, including american students, other foreign students, spanish people, and one american girl's family. we visited with them and ate lots of cookies. before they were sitting down for dinner, our friend will arrived and needed help carrying his food over. so martha and i volunteered to help. our walk to and from will's was perfect. 
i consider martha and him my closest friends here, so it was really nice to get to spend a few minutes together. we competed with coming up the most things we were thankful for (i think i won).! then martha went home to talk to her family and i came back here to a full swing thanksgiving dinner cooking kitchen. i started the mashed potatoes and got so nervous about messing up. then alex (the american girl that lives with my host family's sister) and her friend hannah arrived to help me. 
we had a full thanksgiving dinner; turkey, stuffing, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, and some cranberry toppings (close to cranberry sauce or whatever we usually have) !!!
it was really awesome. then i went to martha's house for the night because neither of us wanted our night to be over. that is where i talked with most of you! i wish i could have seen you, but it was still fun and comforting to be in contact. 
also, you'll see they let me hold a knife and drink wine at the same time. .. DANGEROUS. 

Alright so then today martha, will and i went to elche, a city near alicante. there was a food festival going on, so of course we went. also, elche has one of the biggest palm tree parks in the world (i think). 
my day included catching the 11 am train to elche. wandering through palm trees, talking with ducks, watching babies feed swans, eating cupcakes and truffles, drinking wine, and other good things. 
it was a blast to spend the day with martha and will. usually i have such a good time with both separately, so it was double the excitement to have them together. 

^^ my life with two cute red heads. 
i hope that you can watch this video. we missed our original train home so i went walking and found this cool glass box full of old people dancing. of course i collected these two and we went to check it out. they are literally the best. <333 
miss you all. heading to bed so i can be up and ready for dad tomorrow! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I know it's Wednesday and I'm just blogging about my weekend... don't be mad. 
Saturday my group from school organized a hiking trip not far from the city. Obviously, I went. We boarded up the bus at 9:00 am and the windows were fogged by 9:10 ;) .                                                     >> This is a home we saw in the mountains. I want to live there. LIKE REALLY< IM CHECKING OUT THE REALTY>  

Anyway, the hike was absolutely beautiful and impossible. When I hike, I take my time; walking, looking, ENJOYING. It seems that some people took this experience as a marathon or a nascar race. Anyway, there were several of us that wanted (NEEDED) to slow down. We hiked up for about 1.5 hr. and then camped out to eat our packed lunches. I chowed down on my peanut butter sandwich and everyone else's leftovers. Coming down was a blast. Now people wanted to run and I could keep up. We practically just threw our bodies down the mountain. 

Then we went to some caves that everyone was impressed with, but they were just like Meramec Caverns, so I was over it real quick and started imagining the stalactites as bacon. People caught on and we really let our imaginations run with it.  

<Friends on the mountain. ME* ERIC* MARTHA* CAitlin (Martha's friend from high school) 

Sunday night I caught both of these rascals with nothing to do but talk to me on the computer. WHATTA DREAM> ?!?!!! So much fun, can't wait to be together again ;)) 
All is well. Today is a general strike, maybe you've heard about it. I haven't left my apartment yet so I don't know what kind of crazy activity is going on in the streets, but I'm headed out real soon. Don't worry, I'm sure it's peaceful, everything in Spain is peaceful (my teacher told me so). 
I'm getting ready for dad's visit, well I mean not really doing anything to prepare, but getting excited for him and maybe some beef jerky (HINT HINT (NOT SPICY)) One month left. I know it will go so fast. I'm talking more with the family, still eating everything in the house and loving it. My grades are good (no worries folks). 

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hello all! I just had a rough Monday after an amazing four-day weekend. Bear with me as I try to capture the majority of my re-energizing, yet exhausting weekend. 

As I'm sure you are all aware of, last Wednesday was the American acclaimed holiday, 'halloween'. Although traditionally Spain doesn't celebrate it, within recent years it has gained popularity because, well.. because it is a reason to dress up and have fun. fun, did someone say FUN!? of course I was willing to partake. 

 No way was I about to spend money on a costume, so early Wednesday morning I began to evaluate my closet: maybe a vine (easy all green), possibly a zombie (I can wear anything!), or Cleopatra (my specialty, jewels and make-up). Just when I was figuring things out, I went to my friend Martha's house and her host mom became involved. She didn't like any of my ideas and took it upon herself to dress me in her real daughter's clothes from every decade ever. So I squeezed into those crazy pants and topped it with a knit hat. I think officially I was 'a girl: from any decade you want'. **Ignore the sexy pirate, that's my friend Erika. ::: **

Thursday Martha and I rock climbed and hiked through a new area just up from our houses. We originally went out around noon, came home for lunch at 2:30 and returned to the mountains until near five. A beautiful day spent making ourselves stronger and laughing when we fell (HEHEHE).
Thursday night I went over to a friend's house to make dinner and he asked ME TO PEEL THE POTATOES. (Some of you are aware that years ago Uncle Jim prepared my sisters and I for this moment by gifting us with 'top-of-the-line potato peelers'. He also advised us to always have ours with us, because this special point in time would come.) Of course, I forgot my peeler in Freeburg, so I had to peel them with a knife (disgraceful). All I could think was how Uncle Jim 'told me so'. Regardless of my ill-preparedness, I had a really satisfying Thursday.


Friday I got to go sailing with Martha's host family on their big ole' sailboat. We left at ten with bags of fruit and bread, sunglasses, and jackets.
We sailed all the way out to Tabarca, the island I previously visited. I just got to lounge around pretty much the entire day (see photo below). It was an absolutely perfect day to sail. Along the way we snacked on cokes, cheese, and chorizo. Once we dropped the anchor I got to nap on the front end in the sun while I listened to Spanish adults talking and chicken being grilled. We ate salad, chicken, and fruit for lunch. I was still hungry, but no one else was, so I didn't ask for more (only complaint of the entire weekend).

On the way back to shore Juan Carlos, our captain, suggested we subirse (climb up) the mast. Of course I could not pass up this opportunity. The photos don't do the mast justice and I'm a terrible judge at heights, but know that it was VERY tall. So he strapped me in and pulleyed me up. Then I just got to sit up there and watch everything around me. The sea, some islands, the shore of Alicante, a blue sky. It was absolutely the perfect ending to a perfect day.  

Saturday I left Alicante at 9:00 am on a bus to Alcoi, a city about two hours into the mountains. Our destination was a festival in a smaller city not far from there. After a couple hours of napping and watching the beautiful scenery, we arrived! 

It was somewhat of a medieval festival so I felt right at home, in Praire Du or something like that, except that it was giant. The streets were full of vendors selling jewelry, pottery, grilled corn, cotton candy, and everything in between. Literally every corner unveiled a new street full of them. 
Most of the actual vendor people were dressed up in some sort of a costume and there were several performers around too (see photo below). I bought way too many souvenirs (some gifts!!), but had an eventful day. The whole place smelt like fall and festivals are supposed to; grilled meat and vegetables, smoke, goodness. It was a little rainy, also setting the mood for a fall day in the mountains. 

 I ate grilled corn on the cob, artisan chocolates, my packed lunch, 1/3 of the biggest cotton candy of my life, and tons of samples of fancy cheeses. The bus ride home I napped and tried to remember every detail about my day. I arrived to my host family, including the daughter and her husband, sitting around eating pumpkin pie. So of course I joined them! Such a fitting way to end a fall day in Spain. 

Because of the weather and it being November, my host family and I have been talking so much about fall/winter holidays and traditions. I've learned a lot about the different ways Spain celebrates La Noche Buena (Christmas Eve), Navidad (Duh), and La Noche Vieja (New Years Night). I still haven't figured it all out though, so don't expect me to change our traditions at home. 

It's getting colder and I'm feeling like this is my real life. I cannot believe I only have a little over one month left. There is still so much I want to do and see and learn. I'll just have to come back I suppose. 

Thanks for sticking with me through this monstrous post. Hope everyone at home is safe and lovely. MIss you all. Love you all. ALthough I don't want to leave, at least I have the best people waiting for me!!!!! !!!!! <3333

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Barcelona  ^ olympic grounds.  
^ the best dinner saturday night. 

These are from Valencia.  
^ Dinner Friday night. Drinking 'agua de valencia' (which i think is pretty much a mimosa)

                                                                       ^^ found some cool steps on the way out, so we modeled with them.

                           ^^  on top of the gates to the city with martha and erika.

these are most of the ones that other people took that i was in. so really, i could provide more scenic pics, but nothing else with me :((


Last weekend I went to Barcelona and met Rosie and Maura there. Rosie is in Rome for the quarter and Maura in Cork, Ireland.

*rosie and i at lunch*
We stayed in a great little hostel Maura found online. They arrived in Barcelona Thursday night and wandered around while I took a final in Alicante Friday morning. Finally, I landed at about 3:00pm and found them waiting for me!

Martha and her family were also in Barcelona for the weekend so we got to hang out with her and her sisters for drinks at night.

*dinner Friday*

On Saturday we went to the Sagrada Familia, one of the largest food markets in Europe, and the old olympic grounds.
It was so good to be busy with them but also have downtime eating and chilling at the hostel. We had a delicious, expensive meal on Saturday night. There were giant wooden tables and chairs. You sat next to strangers and pretty much everyone had on oversized knit sweaters (except us).

*eating popcorn with la sagrada familia*

 I'm so lucky to have friends that value the same experiences as me and that I can relate to so genuinely.

*drinking juice at the market* 
*rosie being precious with a fountain*

This weekend I went to Valencia with school. We left Friday morning (NO CLASS) and were there for about 30 hours(!!! ). First we went to the museum area. Which was really crazy; lots of interesting architecture. Of course I didn't take any pictures of that, here is a picture of some people I was with (everyone pumped to be in Valencia) !! 

 We went to the aquarium and spent quality time with underwater animals. My favorite: sea lions, a green eel, beluga whales. They played really calming music in every exhibit so it was a real experience.

Other things we did in Valencia: eat, shop, go to old places. go to neat plazas, see history, go to a Cathedral that has the *cup Jesus used at the last supper*. climb up steps to the top of the towers that used to gate the city, drink horchata, go to a big market that has air conditioning in the summer and glass doors.

*my favorite plaza* 
*gates of the city* 

*ceiling of the market* 

I did a really bad job taking photos in Valencia because I was so in love with everything I saw and experienced there. If I had a city that would compete with Chicago for my heart, it might be Valencia. It's a big city, but kind of feels safe and smaller. The buildings are incredible and there seems to be endless history. My last weekends in Spain seem to be filling up, so I might not be able to get back there this time, but that just means I'll live there later. 
Love you all. Please let me know what is new. Hope everyone has killer halloween costumes lined up. ;)))) 

Monday, October 15, 2012



Since my last post, the girls have traveled thousands of miles, struggled through many meals, and bought lots of leather bracelets.
Emily arrived first, Thursday afternoon. I could hardly make it through my mid-term, I was so excited. Then a friend took me to the market to keep me occupied until three-ish, when it was finally acceptable for me to head to the train station and await the 3:48 arriving train. I found her easily, worn-out and toting her well-packed suitcase (shout out to Jase for helping). After a short pit-stop at my apartment, we checked in to the hotel and went for the beach. It was perfect to get to spend some one-on-one time with the long lost sister. We shared a bocadillo and a coke while she caught some rays (trying to catch up with my tan).

Eventually we made our way back to the apartment, picked up Carmen and made for the train station; ROUND TWO.

As expected, we accepted a weeping duo. After a grueling walk back to the hotel, we had a great dinner on a plaza.

The following days were pretty chaotic. Here are some high and low points: walking to neat neighborhoods, dinner with my host family, a beautiful afternoon at San Juan Beach, finding food everyone liked, waking up, a free-rock concert until 2:00am, the Prado for free (even if it was only for 35 minutes), AND OH SO MUCH MORE.

Saying goodbye to some of the dearest ones in my life was of course difficult and gloomy. The following few days were weird. Re-adjusting myself to life here, separate from everyone else's was more awkward than having them here or saying goodbye.

Everything fell right into place for me to bus to Southern Spain and catch a ferry to Morocco this weekend. And guess who was waiting at the end of runway..PAIGE!

Tangier, Morocco is located really close to Spain. She took the train up and I took the bus down. I didn't have a very clear idea of what I was getting myself into, but knew she would take excellent care of me. We stayed in a hostel/home right downtown. The owner, Maggie, is an older Scottish woman who has lived practically everywhere, speaks at least four languages, and wanted us to see everything. The home was big, open, and decorated just like a Moroccan villa should be.

The lighting, tiles, and overall warmness reminded me so much of a place Uncle Jim and Uncle Don would have.
It was the prefect place for us to relax and feel like we were immersed even if we were sitting on the terrace talking (which we did quite a bit of).

We ate what I think were pretty traditional Moroccan dishes, such as shawarma and pastillas (also fresh donuts!). We wandered through the medina; saw fresh fruits, smelt fresh leather, and almost vomited from fresh meats.

Paige studies in Fez, further south in Morocco and a much larger city, but she could have fooled me that this was her home.
She new so many things about tradition, social norms, and the LANGUAGE. She ordered, asked questions, and even bargained with a shop vender, in the Moroccan dialect. She had endless stories about how her comfort levels have been pushed and what she has learned since living with a real Moroccan family.

I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time I was there.
It was a perfect 36 hours in Morocco.

Spending time with some people I love a lot, still thinking about everyone else I love a lot.
So lucky. So happy. Still exploring and learning. Still eager to keep doing it all!