Tuesday, September 17, 2013

east coast road trip 2013

Audie, Paige, and I in Maine. We visited Portland, a city in southern Maine and went to the 'country' and stayed on Sebago Lake.

We went hiking in Maine the next morning, before heading to Vermont. 

On our way to Vermont, we drove through New Hampshire. We stopped and rode a ski lift up into the mountains, and then rode an Alpine Slide down!
Our first stop in Vermont was the Ben and Jerry's Factory! 
The next day we went to Robert Todd Lincoln's (the son of Abe) home in Manchester, VT. We also went swimming in a quarry, creek (see photo), and a lake. 

Next stop: JFK International Airport for Rosie! 

 In New York, we did lots of sight seeing. Paige and I ran in Central Park and we had dinner with Rosie's sister.

Back to Boston for a Red Sox game! 

Finally, Dom came. The four of them went canoeing on the lake near Paige's house while I napped by the pool.

We went to the Sam Adams Brewery for a tour and all got 'perfect pint' glasses.

We visited Paige's nana in Cape Cod and she took us to dinner at The Lobster Claw. 

Although it was too cold to actually go swimming, we got to see three beaches at Cape Cod.
Overall, the trip was absolutely incredible. We had so much fun and it is amazing that my closest friends were able to do this. Thank you for your help and for always encouraging me to explore!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julia! These pictures are so great. What a fun trip! It all looks like a good time. So glad you could take such an adventure. xoxoxoxoxox
