Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My First Day in SPAIN!

 This morning I flew into Madrid. I met people during my layover in DC and have met even more since being here. There are people here that are going to all different cities next week, so I'm meeting lots of people.
We had a free day pretty much all day. A group of us just wondered around the city. Our hotel is right downtown, so we go to see some really neat stuff.

 This flag is giant. Check out how little that girl appears.

This was so European. There were many boats out rowing. On the path I was walking on, there were vendors and people playing live music.


  1. it looks like a fantastic place to visit! Glad to hear you are enjoying Madrid! You are seeing such sites, already. Hope you get some sleep tonight after your meeting and are ready for the day tomorrow. About 7 pm here and ready to relax after a long day at school, etc. Tomorrow is Thursday already! How could that be? Sleep tight! Sweet dreams and sweet thoughts! Thanks for the photos and the update. Love you sooooo much.

  2. Dear Julia, There is nothing more pleasing than to watch someone you care about sprouting their wings and fly. Soar! There are many waatching you whose hearts are overflowing with pride and have nothing but their very best wishes for you. Spain, you best watch out. Julia Means "is in the house"!

  3. Hello juby. Glad to see that you have safely arrived and are enjoying ur initial visit. I'm sure that you will shine your brightness all over madrid! Be yourself and continue to make us all so proud. Great pics! Stay safe. Know for sure that we all love and are thnking of you with loads of envy. Enjoy, you lucky girl!

  4. Best thread of comments eva!!!!

    Juju, I haven't heard from you in over 24 hours. I need to know if you had the gypsy's hand for dinner the other day. You should be waking up before I go to bed so let me know. Curiosity killed the cat.

    1. The gypsy's hand? That secret code among sisters? 3:30 a.m. here. Off to work. But headed for a three day wkend! Love you! Hope you are having the time of your life. Because it is you know.
