Friday, August 31, 2012

Hola Familia!! Lots has happened since I last posted.
   I've been all over Madrid on a walking tour, seeing the Prado Museum and the Royal Palace. Eating tapas, drinking sangria, and walking the plazas.
   Today we went to Segovia, just about an hour from Madrid. We walked through the winding streets, went to a medieval castle, and yet again ate outside. I have pictures, but it is 1:30am here and I have to be up in a short while, so I will post those tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
   I've made some pretty good friends here, two of which will be continuing on to Alicante with me, both doing homestays. Also, both really advanced in the language. I know this will be and is a blessing, but it's also really difficult. As some of you may know, (haha) I'm used to being in charge, not relying on other people. Both of my friends are really sweet and considerate, but I'm still struggling with getting used to this.
   I almost forgot, this afternoon we went to another art museum and saw a ton of Picasso! So impressed. Everything here is incredible.

    Tomorrow is our last day in Madrid, and then Sunday we bus out to Alicante to meet our families. Hope you are all keeping the states in shape!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My First Day in SPAIN!

 This morning I flew into Madrid. I met people during my layover in DC and have met even more since being here. There are people here that are going to all different cities next week, so I'm meeting lots of people.
We had a free day pretty much all day. A group of us just wondered around the city. Our hotel is right downtown, so we go to see some really neat stuff.

 This flag is giant. Check out how little that girl appears.

This was so European. There were many boats out rowing. On the path I was walking on, there were vendors and people playing live music.